Inheritance is one of the four fundamental concepts (Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Abstraction) in Java OOP. It is the mechanism in Java to allow classes to inherit data and methods from another class. It provides a way to establish hierarchical relationships between classes, promoting code reuse, and improve maintainability.

Key concepts of inheritance

  • Parent class (Superclass)
    • The class whose properties and behaviours are inherited is the superclass or parent class. The inheritance in Java is implemented by the extends keyword.
  • Subclass
    • The class that inherits from the superclass is called the subclass or child class.
    • The subclass can use the properties and methods of the superclass and can also have additional properties and methods or override the inherited ones.
  • Single inheritance
    • Single inheritance is supported in Java, meaning one class can only inherit from one superclass. However, a class can implement multiple interfaces.
  • Accessibility
    • Public and protected fields of a superclass can be directly accessed by its subclasses. (More about access modifier in Access Modifier)
// superclass
public class Animal {
	protected String name = name;
	public Animal(String name) {
		this name = name;
	public void eat() {
		System.out.println(name + " is eating");
    public void makeSound() {
        System.out.println("Generic animal sound");
// subclass
public class Dog extends Animal {
    public void makeSound() {
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Animal myAnimal = new Animal();
        Animal myDog = new Dog();
Generic animal sound

Super keyword

In Java, when you instantiate a child object, the constructor of the parent class is also invoked. This process ensures the parent class is initialised before the child class. This invocation happens implicitly through a call to the super() to invoke the super class constructor, which is inserted by Java compiler if not explicitly provided by the programmer.

Implicit call

If you do not explicitly call the super() method is the subclass constructor, the Java compiler will automatically call the non-argument constructor of the superclass.

class Parent {
    public Parent() {
        System.out.println("Parent constructor called");
class Child extends Parent {
    public Child() {
        // implicit call to super()
        System.out.println("Child constructor called");
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Child child = new Child();
Parent constructor called
Child constructor called

Explicit call

You can explicitly call the super class constructor by using the super() method. You can supply arguments to this call.

class Parent {
    public Parent(String message) {
        System.out.println("Parent constructor called: " + message);
class Child extends Parent {
    public Child() {
        super("Hello from Child"); // explicit call to superclass constructor
        System.out.println("Child constructor called");
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Child child = new Child();
Parent constructor called: Hello from Child
Child constructor called

The Object class

In Java, every class is implicitly a subclass of the java.lang.Object class if it does not explicitly extend another class. When a class in initialised, there is always an implicit call to the Object Class constructor.

Method overriding

Method overriding is where subclass provides a specific implementation of a method that already defined in the superclass.

class Animal {
    public void makeSound() {
        System.out.println("Generic animal sound");
class Dog extends Animal {
    public void makeSound() {
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Animal myAnimal = new Animal();
        Animal myDog = new Dog();
Generic animal sound

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