An EBS or Elastic Block Store volume is a network drive (not a physical drive) that you can attach to your EC2 instances while they run. It allows your instances to persist data, even after their termination, they can be mounted to one or multiple EC2 instances and can be detached from an instance to another quickly. EBS are bound to a specific Availability Zone (AZ), to move a volume across different AZ, you first need to create a snapshot of it. You will have a provisioned capacity, you get billed for all the provisioned capacity, you can increase the capacity of the drive.

Delete on termination

By default, the root EBS volume is deleted on termination (attribute enabled), and any other attached EBS volume is not deleted (attribute disabled). You can disable the delete on termination on the root volume when you want to save some data when the instance is terminated.

Shared responsibility model for EBS

AWS Shared Responsibility Model

AWS responsibility

  • AWS is responsible for maintaining the infrastructure for storage.
  • AWS replicate data for EBS volumes for emergency data recovery.
  • AWS replace faulty hardware.
  • Ensure employees cannot access user data.

Customer responsibility

  • Setup backup / snapshot of data.
  • Setup data encryption.
  • Responsible for the data on the drive.
  • Understand the risk of using EC2 Instance Store.

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Reference - Udemy EBS Overview