The cloud deployment models are the specific ways in which cloud computing resources and services are provisioned and made available to users. The users can employ the model that suit their unique needs. There are three main deployment models: private cloud, public cloud, and hybrid cloud.

Private cloud

Private cloud consists of cloud computing resources reserved exclusively by one business or one organisation. The private cloud can be located at organisation’s on-site data centre, or it can be hosted by a third-party service provider. In private cloud, the services and infrastructure are always maintained on a private network which is separated from the public Internet and is designed to ensure the data and applications remain private and secure. Private clouds provide organisations with a high degree of control over their computing environment, they are often used by government agencies, financial institutions, and other organisations with business-critical operations seeking enhanced control over their environment.

Advantages of private cloud:

  • More flexible Organisation has more control over its cloud environment to adapt it for specific business needs.
  • More privacy Resources are not shared with others, higher level of privacy and security are possible.
  • More scalability Private cloud often offers more scalability compared to on-premises infrastructure.

Public cloud

Public clouds are the most common type of cloud deployment. The cloud resources are owned and operated by third-party service providers and delivered over the internet. Cloud providers host all hardware, software, and other supporting services. In public cloud, customers share the same hardware, storage, and network devices with others. Examples of public cloud providers are: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud.

Advantages of public cloud:

  • Lower cost No need to purchase hardware or software, and customers pay only for the service used.
  • No maintenance The cloud provider is responsible for maintaining the services.
  • Near-unlimited scalability On-demand resources are available to meet customer specific business needs.
  • High availability Distributed network of servers and fail-tolerance measures ensure high availability of the cloud services.

Hybrid cloud

Hybrid cloud keeps some servers on premises and extend some capabilities to the public cloud. It is a combination of the private and public cloud deployment models. Hybrid cloud allows owner to have control over sensitive assets in their private infrastructure. When demand fluctuates, hybrid cloud computing gives business the ability to scale up their on-premises infrastructure to the public cloud to handle any overflow, without giving third party data centre access to the entire of their data.

Advantages of hybrid cloud

  • Control Organisation can maintain a private infrastructure for sensitive assets or workload.
  • Flexibility Organisation can take advantage of additional resources in the public cloud when needed.

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Reference - What are public, private, and hybrid clouds?