Ethernet is a family of wired computer networking technology commonly used in LAN, it operates at the Data Link Layer (layer 1) of the IP model. It defines a set of protocols and hardware specifications that enable devices to communicate over a network. Ethernet packets or frames (data in Ethernet network is typically transmitted in discrete units called frames) are carried point to point only, from a device to another or to the access point or switch, and then forward the data to its next location. The detailed concepts are illustrated in Network Layered Architecture.

Ethernet frame

In LAN (Data Link Layer), the data (organised into smaller units called packets), which are like individual envelopes containing pieces of the data. The LAN that uses Ethernet technology, whether wired or wireless, these packets are further encapsulated within a structure known as an Ethernet frame. Source and Destination addresses are 6 bytes (48 bits) long and are unique.

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