When creating and editing nodes in our wiki, we adhere to the Zettelkasten method to ensure the overall quality and consistency in our content.

Zettelkasten method

The Zettelkasten Method is a structured approach to take and organise notes in a knowledge management system. The term Zettelkasten is German and has the meaning of “slip box” or “index card box”. The method comes with several core concepts.

Atomic node

In the Zettelkasten system, every node or note is kept in small, discrete units. Each node focus on a single concept or topic, but provide a comprehensive coverage on it.

Permanent node

A permanent node is written in an understandable, reproducible way, they will never be thrown away and last forever in the knowledge base. When you encounter new information or knowledge, you create a permanent node for each of them, each node has a unique title to make it easy for future reference.

Interlinked nodes

When you create a new permanent node, you reference it to other relevant nodes. This creates a network of interconnected nodes, allowing you to explore relationships between concepts.

Hierarchical and Non-Hierarchical Organisation

Hierarchical organisation involves creating nodes in a tree structure, consists of a top-level category that serves as the root and related subcategories as leafs. Non-hierarchical organisation emphasis a network of interconnected nodes without structured information delegations. Nodes are linked together based on their relevance to one another. Choose the approach that best suits the nature of the knowledge domain.

Indexing and retrieval

To make it easy for anyone to find specific information, maintain an index or identifiers of permanent nodes along with tags and keywords.

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