In computer networking, it involves sending data packets from one server to other computers and storing data in a data centre. In traditional computing, web infrastructure is often set up locally, where web hosts build their own servers and data centre. Compared to traditional way of hosting web services, cloud computing offers on-demand delivery of IT resources, provides a more scalable, resilient and cost efficient solution.

Limitations of traditional computing

  • Pay for the rent for the data centre.
  • Pay for the power supply, cooling, and maintenance.
  • Dynamic scaling is challenging.
  • Hire personnel to monitor the infrastructure 24/7.
  • Limited ability to respond to disasters.

How does cloud make a difference

  • Infrastructure Instead of organisations or private users own and manage their own infrastructure which are often located on-premises. Cloud providers host the infrastructures and services, they can be quickly delivered over the internet to the users.
  • Scalability Cloud computing offers dynamic scalability. Users can easily scale up or down their resources allocated based on demand, paying only for what they use.
  • Resilience Cloud providers typically offer high level redundancy and fail tolerance measures. Data centres and server clusters are often distributed and are replicated across multiple regions fro data durability and disaster recovery.
  • Maintenance Cloud providers handle infrastructure maintenance, security updates, and hardware replacements. Reducing the burden on users.
  • Flexibility Cloud computing offers wides range of deployment options, which can tailored to meet different needs from the users.

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References Difference between Cloud Computing and Traditional Computing