Prototype is a creational design pattern that allows creating a copy of existing object without depending on the class of the object itself. The cloned objects will not coupled to their concrete classes.


  • You want to create objects with similar properties and behaviours, and you want to reuse existing objects as template.
  • You want to avoid the cost of creating objects from scratch, especially the initialisation of objects is complex or resource-intensive.
  • You want to reduce subclassing by cloning prototype instead of asking factory method to make new object. (factory method pattern produces a hierarchy of creator classes that parallel the class hierarchy)

Pros and cons


  • More efficient when creating objects that are expensive to initialise. The prototype allows for cloning an existing object instead of creating a new one from scratch.
  • Hide complexity of creating new instances from the client. Client gets instances without knowing the specifics of how they are created.


  • Deciding between deep and shallow copying can be tricky and requires in-depth understanding of the software system. In some cases there requires a hybrid of shallow and deep copy.
  • Might induce complexity during implementation, programmer has be very careful to ensure every necessary attributes are cloned correctly.

Best practices

  • Understand deep and shallow copying, use deep copy thoughtfully when objects have reference to other objects, and implement clone method accordingly to avoid unintended sharing of objects between clones.


  1. Create a prototype interface or abstract class, define a clone method that will be used to create copies of objects.
  2. Create concrete prototype classes that implement the clone method. These classes should provide a way to create copies of themselves.
  3. In the client code create instances of the concrete prototype classes and use them to create new objects by cloning.
  4. You can choose to use a PrototypeRegistry based on the need.


  • Prototype (abstract)
    • Declares an interface or abstract class with a clone method
  • Concrete prototype
    • Has a copy constructor that accepts an object of the same class.
    • The constructor copy all the fields from the passed object into the newly created instance.
    • Implement the clone method for cloning it self.
  • Prototype registry
    • An optional component that stores a set of frequently used prototypes (the HashMap data structure is often used here).
    • The stored prototypes are pre-built and ready to be cloned.
  • Client
    • Creates new object by asking a prototype to clone itself.
    • If there is a prototype registry, the client may ask the registry to obtain the clone.


Consider this example that clones the prototype to create new shape instances.


Define a prototype interface.

public interface Cloneable {
	Cloneable clone();

Create concrete prototypes

The concrete prototypes implements the prototype interface. They have a copy constructor that will be used by the clone() method to create a copy of its own.

public class Circle implements Cloneable {
	private int radius;
	public Circle(int radius) {
		this.radius = radius;
	// define a copy constructor that takes an object of the same class
	public Cricle(Circle circle) {
		// copy all the fields from the parameter object to the new instance
		// be careful if deals with attributes that requires deep copy
		this.radius = circle.radius;
	public Cloneable clone() {
		return new Circle(this);
public class Rectangle implements Cloneable {
	private int width;
	private int height;
	public Rectangle(int width, int height) {
		this.width = width;
		this.height = height;
	public Ractangle(Rectangle rectangle) {
		this.width = rectangle.width;
		this.height = rectangle.height;
	public Cloneable clone() {
		return new Rectangle(this);

Prototype registry

public class ShapeRegistry {
	// contains objects ready to be cloned
	private Map<String, Cloneable> prototypes = new HashMap<>();
	// create prototypes that is ready to be cloned and used by the client
	public ShapeRegistry() {
		prototypes.put("circle", new Circle(5)); //default radius
		prototypes.put("rectangle", new Rectangle(3, 4)); //default dimensions
	// the client uses this method to obtain object clone
	public Cloneable createShape(String type) {
		// create clone of the client desired object
		Cloneable prototype = prototypes.get(type).clone();
		return prototype;	


public class Client {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		ShapeRegistry registry = new ShapeRegistry();
		// clone a circle
		Cloneable clonedCircle = registry.createShape("circle");
		// cloen a rectangle
		Cloneable clonedRectangle = registry.createShape("rectangle");
