With Bash you can modify the access mode of permissions of a file or directory. Unix system also has special permissions: SUID, SGID, and sticky bit. You can learn more in Special permissions.

Basic command

The chmod command in Bash allows the owner of a file or directory to change its permissions.

Check permissions

While using ls -l command which displays the long format of the files, including file permissions, here the first column represents different access modes, i.e. permission associate with a file or a directory:

-rwxr-xr--  1 amrood   users 1024  Nov 2 00:10  myfile
  • The first character defines the file type, a file is represented with -, whereas a directory is with a letter d. In this case the permissions start with -, which indicates it is a file.
  • The permissions are broken into groups of three, each representing the permissions for a specific category of users in order: owner, group, and others.
  • Each position in the group denotes a specific permission in this order: read (r), write (w), execute (x), - suggests no permission.

In this example, the permission is divided into three groups:

  • owner(u): rwx
  • group(g): r-x
  • others(o): r--

Which suggests that the owner has all read, write, and execute permissions, the group has read and execute permissions, and the others only has read permission.

In this example, the permissions start with a letter d, which suggests this is a directory.

drwxr-xr-- 1 amrood   users 1024  Nov 2 00:10  mydir

Change permissions (chmod)

Change permissions or change modes, you use the chmod command. There are two ways to use chmod: symbolic mode and the absolute mode. Each category of users are represented as: owner(u), group(g), and others(o).

Symbolic mode

  • + Adds the designated permission(s) to a file or directory
  • - Removes the designated permission(s) from a file or directory
  • = Sets the designated permission(s) Consider the following example:
-rwxrwxr--  1 amrood   users 1024  Nov 2 00:10  testfile

Add permission

chmod o+wx testfile.sh
ls -l
-rwxrwxrwx 1 amrood users 1024 Nov 2 00:10 testfile

The o+wx command adds the write and execute permissions to the others category.

Remove permission

chmod u-x testfile.sh
ls -l
-rw-rwxrwx 1 amrood users 1024 Nov 2 00:10 testfile

The u-x removes the execute permission from the owner.

Set permission

chmod g = rx testfile.sh
ls -l
-rw-r-xrwx 1 amrood users 1024 Nov 2 00:10 testfile

The g = rxcommand sets group to have read and execute permissions.

All together

You can combine these commands on a single line.

chmod o+wx,u-x,g = rx testfile.sh
ls -l
-rw-r-xrwx  1 amrood   users 1024  Nov 2 00:10  testfile

Absolute mode

In absolute mode, we use number to specify each set of permissions for the file. Each permission is assigned with a value, as the following table shows.

0No permission---
1Execute permission—x
2Write permission-w-
3Execute and write permission: 1 (execute) + 2 (write) = 3-wx
4Read permissionr—
5Read and execute permission: 4 (read) + 1 (execute) = 5r-x
6Read and write permission: 4 (read) + 2 (write) = 6rw-
7All permissions: 4 (read) + 2 (write) + 1 (execute) = 7rwx

Consider the following example:

-rwxrwxr--  1 amrood   users 1024  Nov 2 00:10  testfile


chmod 755 testfile
ls -l 
-rwxr-xr-x 1 amrood users 1024 Nov 2 00:10 testfile

The chmod 755 command sets 7 to owner, 5 to group, and 5 to the others. Where 7 corresponds to All permissions to owner which is read, write, execute permissions. 5 corresponds to read and execute permissions to the group. The last 5 corresponds to read and execute permissions to the others.
